Welcome to the the DNA (DiNoslice Areana)!!!
Here is an arena for begining ranchers. I have seen
all the other tournaments out there,
and Bahamut's
monster arenas... known as FIMBA and IMa.
Well I just think that their point values are set to
high, and I think
everyone deserves a chance to enter and win a tournament.
If you have a dex drive
you can enter!!!
1- It doesn't matter what class
your monster is in when you send it,
into the tournament based on it point distribution. So if you
have an A class monster that has under 2100 points
I will place it into the C tournament.
This means any monster with a ??? as the sub-breed
this is a tournament for begining ranchers!!
3- Tournaments will be held in both Monster Rancher
and Monster Rancher 2. So feel free to send in monsters
for either of the games. All of the above rules hold
for both tournaments.
Just send me your monsters
The deadline for entries will be March 14th 2000
I will post all of the winners by March 20th 2000
Click on Holly to send me your monsters,
Holly will help me take care of them for my tournament.